damaged and dirty hydraulic cylinder before being rebuilt

How Much Does It Cost to Rebuild a Hydraulic Cylinder?

By Momentum |

If your hydraulic cylinder has failed, 你可能会问自己“重建一个液压缸要花多少钱”? 答案取决于sb沙巴体育投注的类型和它所遭受的故障类型, but it will likely be less than the cost of a new cylinder. Read on to learn more about rebuilding a hydraulic cylinder.

Benefits of Rebuilding a Hydraulic Cylinder

重建液压缸的最大好处之一是,它比更换sb沙巴体育投注更实惠. The cost of rebuilding a hydraulic cylinder ranges, and is based on the size of the cylinder, as well as the repairs that are needed to fix it. 尽管如此,重建仍然比完全更换更具成本效益.

A rebuilt hydraulic cylinder will be more powerful and efficient. It will consume less oil, which will help you save more money. 用于液压缸的专用油非常昂贵, 而且一个正确重建的钢瓶不会像损坏的钢瓶那样泄漏. Finally, 重建后的部件更有效的运行将减少对其他部件的磨损, increasing their service life.

Knowing When to Rebuild or Replace

很难知道什么时候你的液压缸需要重建,什么时候需要更换. This is where a qualified hydraulic cylinder shop comes in. 行业专家可以检查你的液压缸,告诉你是否需要重建或简单地更换.

决定是否更换或重建汽缸的决定性因素之一是它的年龄. 如果sb沙巴体育投注是旧的和磨损的,重建它可能不值得. 没有重建的部分将很快失效,这可能会损坏重建的部分. 在这种情况下,重建sb沙巴体育投注并不是一个划算的选择. Similarly, if multiple components of the cylinder are badly damaged, rebuilding it may not be possible.

如果钢瓶不是旧的,如果损坏不是太大,重建钢瓶是可能的. Thankfully, this is usually the case when a cylinder breaks down. In the end, 你应该相信你的液压缸商店,当他们建议重建或更换

Why Is It Important to Repack a Hydraulic Cylinder?


With a regular maintenance and upkeep schedule, 您可以避免在最糟糕的时间遇到灾难性的失败. 故障是发生在生产过程中还是发生在客户工厂现场, 它可能会导致停机时间延长,维修和翻新成本更高,同时也会使您的客户关系面临风险.

Signs That Your Cylinder Needs Repacking

Aside from regular maintenance, 每天检查汽缸是防止灾难性故障的必要条件.

这是液压缸需要维修的信号之一, repairs, or even a complete replacement, is a large leak. If your cylinder merely has a small leak, it may need a new seal. 然而,如果泄漏严重到sb沙巴体育投注失去压力,它可能已经失效. 

Thoroughly inspecting the leak, carefully disassembling the cylinder, 重新包装是控制成本和保持汽缸正常运转的有效方法. If you are unsure how to disassemble, repack, and reassemble the cylinder properly, contact a professional for assistance.

While leaks are one sign that something might be amiss, others include a drop in oil pressure, decreased performance, a cylinder struggling to complete a full cycle, and higher-than-normal power consumption. 根据你检查汽缸的时间,小的泄漏可能并不总是容易发现. When the leak isn’t apparent, it’s good practice to stop the equipment, wipe down the cylinder, and watch for leaks.

最后,如果液压缸非常旧,并且已经看到了很多里程,它可能会失效. 如果这是故障的原因,可能很难甚至不可能重建sb沙巴体育投注. 在这种情况下,应该更换钢瓶,而不是重新包装.


  • Leaks
  • Drop in Oil Pressure
  • Decreased Performance
  • The Cylinder Cannot Complete a Full Cycle
  • Excessive Power Consumption 

Testing Your Cylinder Before & After Repacking

在重新包装之前和之后测试液压缸是至关重要的. 事先测试可以帮助你确定是否有必要重新包装——如果没有的话, you’ve saved yourself some work. Testing after helps ensure that you’ve done the job correctly. 

To test the cylinder, fill the cylinder with fluid. 在测试或重新包装之前,永远不要将钢瓶或管线中的液体排干. 这样做可能会损坏sb沙巴体育投注,并迫使过多的空气进入系统.

接下来,循环sb沙巴体育投注几次,以确保任何气泡,碎片或残留物被排出. After cycling, 您将执行sb沙巴体育投注旁路或冲程末端旁路测试,包括将sb沙巴体育投注提升到最高位置并对其加压,同时寻找任何泄漏. 慢慢放下sb沙巴体育投注,同时检查是否有泄漏. Repeat the process if needed.


  1. Fill the hydraulic cylinder with fluid.
  2. 多次循环sb沙巴体育投注以排出系统内的空气.
  3. Perform a bypass test/end-of-stroke test:
    • Raise the cylinder to its highest position.
    • Pressurize the cylinder.
    • Look for any leaks in and around the seals.
    • Slowly lower the cylinder while constantly looking for leaks.
    • Repeat the process.

Purchasing Hydraulic Cylinder Seal Kits

sb沙巴体育投注提供标准,加载,氟碳,铸铁活塞,和低摩擦 hydraulic cylinder seal kits. 这些套件是必须拥有的,因为它们确保您可以随时更换给定的密封或垫圈. 每个套件可容纳不同的液压缸基于OEM规格, piston rod thicknesses/diameters, 以及sb沙巴体育投注内各个子部件的临界公差. 

Before purchasing a seal kit, you need to size your cylinder. 对密封件和垫片的测量总是基于凹槽的尺寸. You can read this blog post to learn how to size/measure your cylinder. 

Finding the Right Hydraulic Cylinder Shop

现在你知道了“重建一个液压缸需要多少钱”这个问题的答案?’ you can focus on finding the right hydraulic cylinder shop. 最重要的是要寻找一个有经验的商店重建你的特定类型的液压缸. 任何有信誉的商店都应该很乐意回答你关于他们的经历的任何问题.

Get 24/7 Assistance From Yates Industries

sb沙巴体育投注工业BOB沙巴体育登录是行业领先的液压缸制造商和供应商. 我们还提供24/7汽缸维修、更换和重建服务. You can read more about who we are here. 如果你想知道重建你的液压缸需要多少钱,打电话 (678) 883-1804 or fill out our online form today to request a quote.